ACVP Student Pharmacist Campus Chapters

Student Pharmacist Chapter - Application

  • Officers

    Please include your officers' names and email addresses.
  • Potential Members

  • Please include your potential members' names and email addresses. All members need to apply for student pharmacist membership in ACVP ($5/annual membership fee) at A minimum of 10 members (including officers) is required to establish a new student pharmacist campus chapter.
    First NameLast NameEmail 
  • Objectives / Needs

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ACVP Campus Chapters give student pharmacists an opportunity to learn more about an exciting niche in pharmacy through connecting with other student pharmacists on their campus and across the country and networking with ACVP Fellows and Members.

For assistance or more information, contact Linda Cathey, Director of Membership at

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ACVP Student Pharmacist Campus Chapter
Guidelines & Requirements

  1. Upon petition to and approval by the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists, Student Pharmacist Chapters may be established.
  2. Student Chapters will meet all requirements of the Bylaws.

Student Chapter Requirements:

A Student Chapter of the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists is identified by the College of Pharmacy attended by the student members. Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
  1. A minimum of ten students is required for the establishment of a Chapter. Students must complete the on-line application to join the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists National organization. Once 10 Students have joined ACVP a list will be sent to the the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists, along with the application for approval.
  2. The American College of Veterinary Pharmacists approves formation, censors actions, and /or dissolves Chapters.
  3. The Student Chapter formulates its own Constitution and Bylaws modeled on those of the College. All rules and requirements are to be consistent with those of the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists.
  4. The Constitution and Bylaws of the American College of Veterinary Pharmacist are binding on the Chapter.
  5. A Chapter is required to hold a minimum of two meetings per year and is encouraged to schedule six to eight meetings.
  6. Chapters are expected to support programs related to public health and/or veterinary, i.e., heart, cancer, diabetes, poison control, animal safety, etc., as well as programming appropriate to entrepreneurship and mentoring, such as marketing, business management, etc.
  7. A Chapter may speak or issue statements for the American College of Veterinary Pharmacists only with the approval of the ACVP President.
  8. A Chapter may assess dues from members to cover expenses of operation and activities. The American College of Veterinary Pharmacists is not liable for any expense incurred by a Chapter.

For assistance or more information, contact Linda Cathey, Director of Membership at