Nominations are currently closed.
Nominations will open on February 1, 2025 for individuals to be considered as a candidate for ACVP Vice-President and Member-at-Large Position 1. Self-nomination is permitted.
- The position of ACVP Vice-President is a 4-year commitment as that person will serve as President-Elect (2026-27), President (2027-28), and Chairman (2028-29).
- The Member-at-Large serves a two-year term.
Nominees for consideration as a candidate will be required to submit a Candidate Packet by March 30, 2025, including:
- A short bio
- A headshot
- A statement of interest
- A CV
Important Dates
- Saturday, February 1, 2025 — Nominations Open
- Saturday, March 15, 2025 — Nominations Close
- Monday, March 31, 2025 — Candidate Packet submissions due
- April 2025 — Candidates Selected & Notified
- Monday, May 1, 2025 — Ballots Distributed via e-mail
- Friday, May 31, 2025 — Voting Closes at 11:59 p.m. CST
- July 2025 – Installation of Officers and Board Members at the Veterinary Pharmacy Conference, Fort Worth, Texas