Improving Antibiotic Use In Companion Animal Medicine: A Team-Based Approach
This webinar was originally presented on January 12, 2024.
Price: $40 ACVP Members; $60 Non-Members
Overview – Research suggests that veterinarians often prescribe antibiotics to animals in an unsupported manner. Such prescribing patterns are concerning as they promote the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria that can impact both animals and humans. Guidelines and best practices for veterinary antibiotic prescribing have been developed and promoted through various professional organizations. However, studies indicate that veterinarians are either unaware of such guidelines or, if aware, do not regularly implement them in practice. Antibiotic resistance is the quintessential One Health issue and stewardship efforts require a multidisciplinary, team-based approach. The purpose of this knowledge-based activity is to describe the challenge of unsupported antibiotic prescribing and antibiotic resistance in a One Health context. Additionally, the presentation will provide a discussion of how different stakeholders, including veterinary pharmacists, can positively impact antibiotic prescribing within the veterinary profession.
Learning Objectives for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians:
- Explain the challenges of antibiotic prescribing in veterinary medicine.
- Describe how a multidisciplinary, team-based approach can improve prescribing.
- Identify actions that pharmacists can take to improve antibiotic stewardship within veterinary medicine.