Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities
Reach a wide range of pharmacists across North America and spread the message that your company supports advancements in pharmacy education by sponsoring an ACVP webinar or monograph.
One Live Webinar – $1,000 ($1,500 for non-members)
- ACVP Education CEnter promotional emails sent to ACVP Members and organizations that syndicate the ACVP programs
- Company acknowledgment at the start of the webinar
- Company recognition on the website, ACVP Newsletter, and social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter)
Line Webinar Series
- ACVP Education CEnter promotional emails sent to ACVP Members and organizations that syndicate the ACVP programs.
- Company acknowledgment at the start of the webinar.
- Company recognition on the website, ACVP Newsletter, and social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Series of Two Live Webinars – $1,750.00 or Series of Four Live Webinars – $3,000.00
One On-Demand Webinar – $750.00 ($1250 non-members)
- ACVP Education CEnter promotional emails sent to ACVP Members and organizations that syndicate the ACVP programs.
- Company acknowledgment at the start of the webinar.
- Company recognition on the website, ACVP Newsletter, and social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter)
- ACVP Education CEnter promotional emails sent to ACVP Members and organizations that syndicate the ACVP programs.
- Company acknowledgment of the program information.
- Company recognition on the website, ACVP Newsletter, and social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter)
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Bondurant via email terry@vetmeds.org or at the ACVP office – 901-383-1781.