5 Questions with…
Sue Hudson Duran, RPh, MS, PhD, FSVHP, FACVP, DICVP
Clinical Professor Emerita, Auburn University

What drew you to veterinary pharmacy?
I was reared on a large farm and I also had a job that would allow me to attend graduate school at Auburn.
Can you share something unexpected you discovered or learned on your path into veterinary pharmacy?
We are One Health, and I learned that both human pharmacy and veterinary pharmacy have many common drugs and yet so many other species. I learned that before I use a dose, I look for a pharmacokinetic study in that particular species. I came to veterinary medicine from the supervisor position at Johns Hopkins Hospital and yes, sterile pyrogen free products are needed in animals as wells as humans. Pharmacists know where to find the pedigree of drugs and prevent purchase only quality items or drugs to dispense or compound.
What is your vision for the future of veterinary pharmacy and what are you doing now to prepare for it?
Since I started in veterinary pharmacy in 1975, the biggest change has been an increase in the number of pharmacists that practice veterinary pharmacy. Also, the academic pharmacists at colleges have grown from one to some schools with five pharmacists. Each pharmacist can pursue their own interest in veterinary medicine and grow as a professional to aid veterinarians in the safe economic practice of veterinary medicine. I have made so many lasting friendships, you meet veterinarians from around the work. With ACVP and SVHP, we have a real education and communication group of leaders to aid us in the path for success. The CE programs are outstanding from both organizations.
Can you tell us one thing about yourself that would surprise your pharmacy colleagues?
I studied clothing and home designs for a year in college prior to switching to pharmacy. Still love designs.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Always support your staff, be kind to veterinarians and remember we are there to help them in the daily animal care. Use all your knowledge to find answers, ask them daily how we can help, how can we make your job easier, and as my moto is, I LOVE VETERINARY PHARMACY. Join ACVP and SVHP and learn new information daily.